Monday, September 7, 2015

Baby Palu Update

So I haven't even written about this pregnancy once, and I'm 35 weeks today!
I've realized over the past couple weeks just how incredible pregnancy is and it makes me kind of sad that it's almost over. Don't get me wrong- wow I am ready to be done, but I want to remember all of these symptoms and feelings, because I have almost nothing from Ammon's pregnancy.

Here's what I can remember:

Back in January- forever ago, I know- I had suspicions of pregnancy because I had been feeling pretty sick. This pregnancy was and wasn't planned. We knew we wanted our first 2 fairly close together so we thought we might as well start trying when Ammon was a year old. Now, considering my situation, I had never done birth control before, and I'm already a fairly forgetful person, so taking a pill everyday seemed easy- but I had no idea the effects it would cause if I forgot once or twice. I was just so entirely bad at consistently taking the pill, and once I finally had someone explain it to me, I decided to take a break from it for a month to let my system re-regulate and then I could start doing it "right". 
So anyways, long story short, I took a test about 3 days before my expected cycle and sure enough, a very faded pink line showed up. I took some lipstick and wrote baby number 2 on my belly and then went and woke Leka up to show him. I planned on waiting to tell him, but I got entirely too excited.
His face was kind of in disbelief. He was excited, but honestly probably a little freaked out. 
Anyways, after all that excitement, we both decided we would wait to tell everyone. 
To be completely honest, Ammon's pregnancy was the hardest pregnancy to announce- especially to my family, for obvious reasons, so for some reason I had this huge fear of telling everyone, but mostly I was terrified of telling my mom. I have no idea why. I mean looking back I can see that it's my life, I'm happily married, and this was something that I wanted, so there was nothing to be ashamed of. It is rough to feel judgment, cause hey, I'm only 20. 2 kids at 20?  But what I've learned over the past 8 months is that age does not matter at all. It's all about what you're willing to take on in life and what you commit yourself to. And this was something I felt really right about.
So I had held in this secret for maybe a good month, but I slipped. On facebook, I commented on a Intermountain Mom's post to try to win diapers, and of course, not thinking anyone would see it, someone on my mom's side saw it and told everyone on that side. It was fine, but totally unfortunate for me, as I wasn't planning on announcing it until I was at least 15-20 weeks. I knew I needed to tell my mom and dad, but I kind of ruined that with the post as well.
In the end, I truly had nothing to be afraid of because in the end, my parents were excited for us and from then on it felt good to have everyone know. My mom was obviously concerned that I would be super stressed with having 2 under 2 because she knows how easily stressed I am. 

So after all the drama little mama- its been a good 6 months of just enjoying pregnancy symptoms. 
Oh the symptoms.
This pregnancy has been completely opposite from Ammon's. I had such an easy pregnancy the first time around. I didn't realize it until this pregnancy. Mostly the morning sickness. I have been sick for the past 8 months. The first 2 months were the hardest. I didn't want to do anything. I just sat around and watched TV all day with no motivation. There was about a month or two around 18 weeks where I got all my energy back and I just felt great, but then around 26 weeks, it was right back to the beginning. I throw up almost every morning, so truly it is morning sickness.

Does anyone else have a problem with the sciatic nerve? Oh em gee. This is probably my least favorite pregnancy symptom. I hate it. If you don't know what it is, I can't help you, cause I don't know either. I just know that at any given time of day, without warning, there will be a very sharp pain in the front of my hip that will make it impossible to walk or even stand. In fact, as I type this, I am sitting, and I feel it. 

Heartburn. Oh the heartburn. I have definitely experienced this before and with Ammon, I used pepcid. Pepcid was my best friend. Pepcid is just not strong enough this pregnancy. I have had so many sleepless nights because of heartburn. Thank the heavens my doctor let me take prilosec. 1 pill every morning, and NO HEARTBURN SINCE! It's literally a miracle.

Thank the heavens I haven't had any swelling, but wow I feel like I'm carrying a bowling ball around in my stomach. I am so freaking uncomfortable all the time. I cannot find a comfortable position to sleep in at night.

Besides just being uncomfortable, I get terrible sleep because I'm constantly waking up to go to the bathroom. This pregnancy came with the weakest bladder ever. I feel like I have to pee even if I just peed 10 minutes ago. It's ridiculous. 

All in all, pregnancy is great. I just can't get over my excitement to have 2 boys. 2 children that came from my body. I already feel so much love for this baby boy. AND NESTING IS REAL. I am so anxious. I feel like I need to get everything ready, like RIGHT NOW. And even though I have probably everything I need, (aside from diapers) I still feel so unprepared. 
All in all, at 35 weeks pregnant, (today!) time is running out and I am going to document the last 5 weeks, to the best of my ability. 

Alright here's my best news:
I love my husband now more than ever- 
We got our temple recommends yesterday and we are taking our endowments out this Saturday, the 12th of September. We are more than stoked and happier than we have ever been in our marriage. I cannot wait to be sealed to my family for time and all eternity. There is seriously nothing better. We are trying to be sealed before this little baby comes and makes our life even more hectic. So I'll definitely be writing about that as well.

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