Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Summer Sales


Here's an update on our life- we're moving!
It all happened so fast and I couldn't be more excited to start this adventure! Don't worry! We're definitely not leaving for good- just for the next 4 months.

For the last 6 months or so, my husband, Naisa Leka, has been working for my dad. He's been learning the business from the bottom, up, so that eventually, he can take over and buy it from him. Flashback to about 18 months ago, October of 2014. Leka had gone to Hawaii, without me, to sell solar, door to door. It was there that he discovered his passion and natural ability in sales. Fast forward to now, we know that this business can be slow sometimes and the money isn't always guaranteed.

On Sunday (4/10), we were at my parents house for dinner and we were talking to my brother about how he had dropped out of summer sales and kind of left his best friend hanging, but how the friend handled it so well. Then all of the sudden we were talking about Leka doing it, then my dad was encouraging it, then my brother was telling us about all the incentives and how much money you can make and we were getting all excited! We pretty much decided that night that we were gonna do it, but Leka hadn't even had a real meeting with Bennett.

The next morning, they had the meeting and Leka came home more excited and pumped than ever, telling me he was ready to leave on Wednesday (4/13)... WHAT?! Literally giving us 1 entire day to pack everything up in our little car so he can drive it 2000 miles across the country. Me and the babies will be flying out in a couple weeks.

I'm so excited to share our adventures here! So follow along if you want to know how we're doing, and we'll see you, Utah, in August!

*pic found on pinterest


  1. Ok......so....maybe in those 4 months we'll have to do a meet-up somewhere between Charlotte and Knoxville because we're only going to be 4 hours apart vs 30....just saying :)

    1. Yes yes yes! I need to meet your child when she's born!
